Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Are Leaders Born or Made?

As a coach and leader for over twenty years, I have met many leaders who find themselves leading teams, having never envisaged that would be what they would end up doing when they started. Were they born leaders, or did they develop those skills?

Are they born?
Research shows there are characteristics that determine whether someone is cut out to be a leader. Usually, they would be evident by the time we are in our mid to late teens. The grit, the determination, the quickness of intellect are often visible by that point. There are other characteristics associated with great leadership that may not yet be apparent – the ability to inspire others; the ability to enjoying playing and collaborating with people; the maturity to appreciate the differences between yourself and other people.

Are they made?
Many illustrious leaders such as Jack Welch, Nelson Mandela and Anita Roddick would argue that it was in the face of adversity that strengthened their character. However, I believe the finest leaders are made. They are often made as a result of their particular experiences and the opportunities that life passes their way. But that isn’t quite the full story. The finest leaders also take a conscious decision to step into those leadership positions.

Sometimes, leaders have to learn the hard lesson that they need other people to help them achieve what is needed to get the job done. Often the more introverted leader finds this difficult. They want to be able to do it all themselves.

The leader who is very socially gregarious has to suffer the slings of rejection and to learn to accept the loneliness of being the one at the top.

One thing is sure from the body of evidence available, no matter how talented or how natural leaders are, there will always be areas where that they can hone their leadership skills if they are to continue to excel in their capacity as leaders.

Like true apprentices, leaders learn about 80 percent of their craft on the job. They learn by watching other leaders and integrating some of what they have observed into their own behaviour. They watch for highly effective role models and they seek out mentors. They are open enough to ask other leaders about how they handle situations.

Leaders learn by inviting feedback and learning from it. They modify their behaviour so that they get better results. They are not afraid to try things out and examine their own performance. Effective leaders keep themselves accountable for their own development. Effective leaders look for training programs that will help them develop specific skills that they can use on the job. Then, when they return to their work, they devote specific and deliberate effort to mastering in real life what they learned in the training room.

  • So, what leadership talents were you blessed with?

  • What leadership capabilities have you cultivated as a leader over the last year?

  • Do you know what leadership competencies you are assessed on?

  • Which ones are you valued for?

  • What leadership skill or behaviour are you actively working on right now?

  • What difference will it make to your ultimate success?
Pure Potential help develop leadership skills for individuals as wella s leadership within teams and organisations. If you would like to try a leadership skills assessment on your leadership capability or need support in honing your leadership skillset, why not give Olwyn a call on 01428 713 399 or email Olwyn@pure-potential.co.uk

For the full article please visit my Web Site Resources Page

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